
Eh, call me when he jumps out of a plane with no parachute.

In a spin, both feet in

Don’t forget it got chopped after its first death. It’s A-pillar met an untimely demise years before the fire took it’s life the second time

New idea for more exciting F1 next year. Make the drain hole covers like the ones I have to slalom on the way home from work.

Haha holy shit mine too!

hahaha awesome. Sounds about right. The UNH hockey chants were pretty good.

Ouch that hurts. I paid a lot of money to get a liberal arts degree there, but I don’t remember holding up any letters

Bonus points for the dude in the first video with the lowered skateboard.

As I do every time because I am sick in the head, I blindly update right away. I sometimes check if to see if I have a recent back up. Happy to say, that this over the air update went off without a hitch. It actually downloaded almost immediately which I was very surprised by. So far so good. Till the next time

Hmm if you are referring to my snapchat comment you misread it. If you are referring to the fact that I said “suck it”.... really? That’s what makes fans feel worse? Why read WYTS? It’s literally to insult teams. I’m sure you’ll be there tomorrow when the Patriots are lambasted. And so will I! I will enjoy every

I was doing two things I don’t enjoy on that Sunday. Watching football, and playing pool at a Superbowl party. I started taking screenshots of my friend’s sad snaps and sending it to them laughing. I live in New England, and am a casual Pats fan at best. By the third quarter I almost drove home. We were playing 9 ball

Oof this is good. Except for the part about the latte. My parents often remind me all these years later that those to go cups didn’t have a caffeinated warm beverages in them

So are we okay with illegal drag racing now? Just trying to keep up.

I stopped reading after your “shit hole dorm room” comment. How dare you. My dorm room was a 5 start hotel compared to the shit hole apartment I over paid to live at the following year. I know this to be true because that fucking apartment flooded and we had wet rugs for 3 months. I’ll die an early death of some rare

I love the SoundBuds. I use them a ton for disc golf.

I love the SoundBuds. I use them a ton for disc golf.

So weird...I was in Charlotte, NC airport in early June, and two grown men and a 4 year old were in Seahawk jerseys....I don’t get it

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God it can’t be as bad as the STi convertible. This thing is just begging to wrap itself around a tree and throw it’s passengers clear out the roof. Did I mention it’s for sale in NH right now. Pretty sure some locals started a joke gofundme to buy it to destroy it.

Wouldn’t hear a word out of my mouth for that. Looks pretty good if you ask me! 

I guess since I’ve only seen usually stupid things on non US plates, I’ve lumped them all together. But if it’s not rude or offensive, I don’t believe I’d care too much. At the end of the day though, it’s your car though, so if you like it then I think you should have them! (As long as it doesn’t say PantyDroppr)