
The elusive Falken punch

I stand corrected. I see your point. I had just watched the Pastrana record set shortly before too. I guess it seems “easy” when you watch pro’s do it. Didn’t really take into account my average fear of heights either. Regardless, makes we want to do it now though. I retract my ignorant comment.

I have not. Hiked it a long time ago. Will I be eating my words shortly?

Those are fine for sure! I like when they are on grocery getters. Like what are you trying to prove?

Haha heathens. But yea you are absolutely right. You definitely get what you pay for there

Hahahaha god those stickers piss me off

As a former smoker, the price of cigarettes everywhere else was absolutely astounding. Though I quit a year ago, and it looks like even NH prices are high.

Ha! I have no vested interest in this other than watching the people argue. I don’t follow boxing or MMA. I don’t dislike McGregor either. I’m sure he’s done a ton for the sport by just putting MMA and his name in tons of peoples mouths that know little of either. So that’s a long winded way of saying, I’m with you

Dear lord. The Conor fans are like New England sports fans. As someone who lives in New England and doesn’t pay much attention, I can tell you the similarities are striking. Woof, imagine a NE Mcgregor fan? It’s like a crossfitting vegan. #inBradyandMcgregorwetrust

I’ve been using one for about a year now (which is around the time I started cooking a lot). At first I was like you. Minus the instructions I figured a tiny bit of soap wouldn’t hurt. We don’t have a dishwasher, so I typically just wash the pan right when the sponge is needing more soap anyways. Easiest thing to

It’s entirely possible haha. All i know is, it threw on the white lights and drivers backed off. I was totally okay with it hahaha. And yes way more useful as I never used it for anything else!

My old wrx had a parking light switch on it. When I realized that it turned on my white reverse lights, I realized that I was going to have some fun with it. The next person to tailgate me backed way off when I popped those on while driving forward. It was very effective for getting people off my back. I wish I still

What, was Apollo Netscape already taken?

No tire kickers because seriously, it may break something. I know what I have

But a 1 owner low mileage car guarantee’s that the 1 owner could not have gone too far without changing the oil because the miles are low. Duhhh

I’ve never been so impressed by a comment in all of kinja. This is coming from someone who doesn’t even really care about sports. I feel enriched by this

They must not have electronics in them then! Just kidding. That seems to always be a big complaint. I put 40k on a used GTi in a year and a half. My biggest issue was the a blown turbo valve...twice. anecdotally my own experience has been good and I had a friend that blew way past 200k in his Jetta with mostly just

Hahaha this is exactly what I figured after being a bystander

I watched a good friends rugby game, and I was invited to their after party. Dear lord, never have I been so intimidated and half welcomed at the same time. Not really understanding what I had witnessed, I just tried to be respectful and let them enjoy their party as they earned it. It was really cool to watch and