Let me know when those “Tax The Rich” guys hoon it offroad (Please ask them to do this for me)
Let me know when those “Tax The Rich” guys hoon it offroad (Please ask them to do this for me)
God do I hate left lane drivers
There is an 8008135 joke in there somewhere
Hmm, I can get them for ~$17 but they look a little different
The foliage up by Rt 3 in the Notch area was the only thing that kept me sane watching that. I love it up there. I then realized you most likely drive a lot of 93, and Rt 3. You poor bastard. I’m on Rt 3 every morning for 5 minutes (exit 6 to exit 2) and the reverse in the afternoon. And nothing makes me more angry in…
Oh my god the double white cut over drivers me insane. People are so fucking stupid. Crossing double whites into a merging lane is so idiotic. First off you have hardly any good perspective looking in your mirrors because of the angle. Oh wait that assumes these people are looking in their mirrors, or dare I say,…
Cool thanks for the info. I thought it was a limited time, but wasn’t sure if I was doing something else that was killing the trigger. I played a lot two years ago or so as a casual but okay player. Recently got back into the game trying to work on a few things I never did before. The above conversation being one of…
+5 second penalty for driving into the crowd of people
Hahahaha it’s like a skatepark for cars
Had to dig into my recycling to pull that joke out. Figured enough time had passed. You’re welcome!
Stupid question but in the one jump + boost that you are talking about. Is your ability to do the second flip based on a timer or some other trigger? I assume it’s a timer that I haven’t nailed down yet. Does that make sense?
They were using an early beta of Apple Maps I heard
*Limit 5 per customer. Restrictions may apply
Haha now we are talking! I had a 5 speed wagon like the above but with rust like yours. The guy that bought it from me a long time ago laughed and said yup typical Subaru.
Hahah I did it for 4 hours and thought I should pick up jogging. It could only be more thrilling
Holy crap that turn is so painful to watch. Actually a lot of that race is
haha it was just a bad joke about how it doesn’t have the notorious rust spot that old Subaru’s have.
Sorry, this is not a 2000 Subaru. There is no rear quarter panel rust visible. Would not trust this car as far as you could push it.
Obviously there will be a few exceptions, but anything after ‘99 are Celican’ts