
Trust me it sucked not trying to accelerate hard or anything. However, some day I plan to do one of those get in a supercar for an hour track day things where I can do that.

I got to drive a rental Gallardo last summer for 20 minutes. For those 20 minutes I drove like I was in drivers ed. No need to draw anymore attention than a 20 something year old, in a button down dress shirt, on the coast, in a Gallardo needed to (It was my Dad’s wedding and he rented it). Rolling through a stop sign

This makes me miss my old oil burner.. If it’s really to scale, it will burn the equivalent of 1 quart of oil per 1500 miles around 80K miles. Worth every quart

That picture is fantastic and accurate

Red hot nut, harbor freight impact gun, and pb blaster was not enough for my old Subaru in New England, then again, the devil is in the details. “Old subaru” and “in New England”

The FIA stewards will be looking in to this after the race. Incident involving Orange Motorcycle blocking Bicycle from passing

So glad I’m aimlessly reading comments and came across this. Star for you

I’m too afraid to try and apologize to someone. I don’t think they’d like somebody gesturing at them at the next light to roll their window down.

I remember reading this story in 2012 (holy crap, it’s been that long already?) and enjoying it. I read it again and have no regrets. Thanks for re-sharing

Hahaha...I laughed way harder at that then I should have. Feeling #Blessed for that one

As of 10:07 a.m. this is an under-starred comment

Is it bad I kind of laughed at that?

I bet there’s rich folks eating in a fancy dining car
They’re probably drinkin’ coffee and wrecking big cars.
Well I know I had it coming, I know I can’t be free
But those people keep a movin’
And that’s what tortures ‘stangs

Terrified of the battery. Simple jobs where you should probably unplug the battery, I don’t just because I’m afraid of it. And it’s probably safer to do so, but ugh I have a serious irrational fear of it.

I was excited about that game a long time ago and bought it. It’s not even on my computer anymore. That and DayZ were my awakening to early access. I’m not mad, i spent the money even after reading steam’s warning about early access. I just hope either get finished. They will sit in my library not installed until

Now playing

Will never compare to Tukka’s meltdown many moons ago

How is this even possible...I am still laughing at mustang jokes

No flaming. I did some pretty stupid things Longboarding in college. Like threading a bus and an island on campus (admittedly this wasn’t by design, I just timed my drop wrong). After a few close calls I smartened up. If I saw someone do what I did now, i would conveniently forget that I used to do that too, and call

Hahaha fantastic. Thank you for the synopsis

I am so afraid to click play. Work+Youtube+Response video to comment about bad blow jobs != safe for work