
yea i remember seeing it going to lost river one day. Imagine taking that down the Kanc?

Up in the Lincoln/Loon area right?

Oops just saw your reply! That's awesome thanks for updating me, Torch!

Unfortunately you also just called out every rally spectator, but I do see your point and agree

Overwhelmingly yes

How about the bottom video where two people ponied up 4,000 for the last race (or so the video tells us). Can't afford to go to the track because I'm broke from loosing races

Torch, please let us know if he's found!

I liken coke and hookers is sort of like driving an R8...except it's somehow classy

True...same goes for any car that matter. Especially the snow tire clad Subaru's. Don't get me wrong, my old Subaru with snow tires was excellent, but I respected the fact that you still can't beat physics.

I thought for sure the Pat's had a chance to blow it there. If the Seahawks don't jump the line on that play the game could have gotten even more interesting. Now I don't know a lot about football. I watch about 4 games a year and root for the Pat's casually when I catch a game. So take my opinion for what it's worth,

Hey Samer, will Deadspin have a headline today that the Patriots actually won the Superbowl? I'm guessing all the previous headlines are as close as we will come.

3 of my last 4 used cars were actually O2 sensors...The 4th, well that was just wishful thinking. It was that big thing near the O2 sensor that has rare earth metals and costs a lot. I'm with Doug though, if it's not the O2 sensor it's definitely the gas cap ;)

1.5 psi makes all the difference with tires...

RPG Simulator...make it happen!!

The last great mystery of our generation. That can't be safe. I just envision it being bolted down

hahah yea I'd be on your side of the argument if $5 was the going rate. Where was that? the $.40 was in NH

Holy smokes man, $5 is nuts. the $.40 was from a wings restaurant that a delivered for a couple years ago. Like I said, from my experience. $5 is crazy though

I can't speak for everywhere but the delivery fee's I've seen are no more than a dollar. Again..these are just ones that I have seen. The place I used to work for charged a $.40 delivery fee. That .40 cents would not even cover a 10% tip

This just screams Discovery's Street Outlaws

I have found a use for the NAV on my car that I actually find useful. Driving around i can open it up and look for water to explore for fishing. It's less distracting then peaking at google maps every now and again from my phone (yes real dangerous so i stopped that), also doesn't use data and blah blah.