Queue the Fry, "Take my money" image.
Queue the Fry, "Take my money" image.
There fixed it...I found the person I was looking for.
Anyone remember that guy that drove the Subaru impreza down miners gulch in CO. I can't remember his forum name (looked something like "tonneri"). I remember one of his posts said that you should drive near cornfields because they release more oxygen so it will make your car go faster. If i could remember his handle…
Couldn't have been Grosjean, they would've been pulling the Porsche off of the yellow pylon
I don't get it. I thought Gizmodo only reported on Apple... and this article has nothing to do with Apple. I guess I'll just have to assume Giz hates whatever this announcement is about.
Ha that was my first thought too! Second thought was the surface makes a decent longboard not skateboard haha.
Not sure about the car, but i think the owner has a CP
Barely got that door open and didn't even close it after. What nerve
I saw him getting his jollies of milling around the old lumber yard
Did I miss something about the New NSX. I assumed jalopy would've posted something about it. Or am I just being stupid?
Bet that's gonna make a mighty fine press car
The VW Bug that Germany sent to invade Alaska. I think jalop did an article on the first car in alaska a while back?
There are two things I almost always click on for posts in jalopworld. COTD and Your Ridiculously Cool....Wallpaper Is Here. Now I click on one because it really would make a nice background. The other I click on because it really would make a nice background and I sometimes notice the car in the photo. That being…
Ha! well played
For the love of what ever you believe in....I hope the seller owns one or at the very least drove one. I can imagine an alcoholic would have an easier time passing up a drink than a Ford GT owner not driving that car.
"Just the good ol' boys,
I think Block looked better in a Subaru. Of course that is the fanboy in me talking. I will say though, god damn, Ford can make a strange hatch do silly things sideways.
I didn't know Italians made Firebirds!
I can't remember exactly which one but one of the BMWs. I think one of the Z coupes?
I find it disheartening to see that the easiest way to get featured on jalopnik is a simple, easy formula. Take one part wealthy man, add a healthy dose of hp, and let sit for a spell. The resulting dish is (typically) a smoldering super car, but other times you find that a tree (or even a curb) is the best way to…