Jeff Frank Gore

Yeah well that being the teams twitter account allows them to say that, douchebag.

I know they arent winning because of bortles, he sucks too. All im saying is kaep lost his qb job before he knelt for the anthem. He is a very inaccurate passer, even worse when on the run. And for a mobile, scrambling qb, being able to throw accurately on the run is extremely important.

Their team is winning now. And im not so sure the team gets better with kaep. People seem to have forgotten that he is also a truly terrible qb.

Whoa! Found the drunk guy.

I dont agree with this thought process. So if he hit him in the foot after all the earlier bs then he gets to keep the benefit of the doubt? Whats the difference, one misses high, one misses low. An accident is an accident no matter where it misses.

I dont understand your comment. Intentional or not 3 games? No. Intentional, 3 games. Not intentional, no games. Why would you suspend a guy for an accidental hbp? Just because it hit his head? Just because of what happened earlier in the game? Unintentional is unintentional no matter the circumstances.

I think you’re on to something here.

This is really good.

Yeah I completely agree. It was a dick move that needed to be punished. I think it may seem overly harsh to some people just because it happened so far along in the tournament.

While I agree with most of what you are saying I also think the most likely lesson to be learned here is to not be a dick to a team you just beat. Show some sportsmanship, it goes a long way for both teams involved. I’m not sure what they did warranted being eliminated from the tournament but it was definitely a dick

Yeah nothing positive except for the opportunity to be champions.

Through all this there is a key factor that people seem to have forgotten or are just ignoring. KAP FUCKING SUCKS AT QUARTERBACK. Hes not gonna help a team win games and definitely not make a playoff push. Hes hot fucking garbage. Why cant anyone admit this?

They can give Darvish a qualifying offer this winter, which he’d reject, and they’d receive a pick somewhere in the 70s.

Yep. And if you’re invited to all these parties you are definitely expected to bring a gift for every goddamn one of them.

Yeah no doubt. But at least he has the sense to turn over that responsibility to someone who knows what they’re doing.

Yeah all this report shows us is that he’s smarter with his money than everyone thinks.

Hes probably not savvy enough, but with as much money that he has you dont have to be. You just have to hire someone that is (Jeffrey Morse).

No you don’t. He should be discriminated against. Not because of racial reasons, but because he’s terrible at his job.