
This article is not complete without this image.

When I saw the title I thought of the Tom Tom Club song.

You know what, I've been thinking and fuck this guest comic. The original comic (different author) was actually kind of hopeful and inspiring, with a hint of melancholy. It's a great metaphor for families, growing up and life in general.
The "sequel" amounts to "Character encounters obstacle. Character gives up."

In truth, and forswearing such loquacious answers that others might be prepared to give, being as they are not viewing this topic on such a mobile device as I do, and so far be it from me to include a picture, but it is clearly the fact obvious to all that the answer to your question is the delightful Mister Al

My superhero name as a kid was The Defenestrator. Just googled it and turns out it is a DC character that carries around a window frame to throw criminals and sometimes police through.


Jacob's Ladder. As if someone pulled the ground away beneath your feet.