Jeff Chabotte

If you don't already play with Lego, you are dead inside.

If you piss a lot of people off.. you must be doing something right..

Can we get this in Whacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tube Man?

Which Volvo? Tell me it's an R!

Need info on front camera!

i hope they upgrade on smart-devices like Blu-ray Players too.

1978 Chevy Malbu Classic.

Worst. Doctor. Ever.

Here's your article: The sandwiches obtained the submarine name due to their popularity with the submarine builders at Electric Boat in Groton, CT.

Fatcat bragging rights, probably. Some people are so rich that they have no concept of money anymore.. so it doesn't matter.

Step 1: find project car that isn't all torn apart and is within 100 miles.

as long as you don't provide a path to ground you should be fine... just like airplanes what we clearly need here is flying cars.



someone else who remembers that show! yay!

Also, the perceived size of a curved screen make it appear to be a larger screen than it actually is.

It's probably a little more complicated than that. Hard to explain, but i went to a Best Buy for the first time in months and they had the new 4K curved screens on display, and they do, in fact, look amazing.

All the light from the TV gets focused towards a central point. if you sit there, it will look more natural. Also, any glare that comes from something like a Window, will be bounced away from you.
