Jeff Chabotte

should i run a social funding campaign to restore Griff Tannen's BMW from Back to the Future 2? Good idea or Greatest Idea?

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Train destroying the Delorean in Back to the Future Part 3.

"DLC for Forza 4 is not compatible with the cars in the game," ouch.

The Rogers 4-6-0 Sierra #3 "Movie Queen"

That is total win.

So another question for another day.. what's the most awesome / worst hood ornament ever?

i'm so glad his name differs ever so slightly to mine! (wish i had his money, though!)

These are perfectly cromulent arguments. I feel embiggened

Because Delorean!

Are we talking "fastest" or "quickest"? there's a difference. I got a '98 Volvo V70R which will keep pulling STRONG well into the triple digits and it only cost me $4K.. it's not the quickest "Off the line" but i have friends with volvo wagons that are REALLY quick after some slight modifications. i could easily eat

Not necessarily "Hooned to death"/ nor "just purchased".. but when on 10/5/95 will always stand out for me because i wrecked my "not yet 2 week old" restored and license plate-d '69 Buick Skylark Custom hit a patch of wet leaves and put me and my buddy through a stone-wall (which are abundant here in CT) and sideways

about time. I worked in the CWA for AT&T up until February.. it was hell.. you had the only way you could not come to work without reprimanding is to be dead... and even then, they would have asked that you give prior notice.. i once got pneumonia and called to tell them that i had to leave to go to the hospital..

I call DIBS on Amelia Earhart's wreckage!

"stars and bars"? did the Duke boys go up there and put down Rebel Flags? that's a helluva jump!!

Do you think you'll advertise your face-meltingly awesome connection speeds as a way to get more customers? Do you think people will start being "campers" once they see how fast their connection is?

There was also the camera guy Whatshisname Yamashitake.. they just did this feature on CBS this morning and he's still kickin alive at 86.

This is why Florida has its own tag on Fark.

The multitude of car ads in the movie "Crazy People", such as: