
This is a pretty old concept, we had type and walk on the iPhone for while now.

@TurdFerguson74: No...I have normal sized hands but I don't like carrying around a 4.3 inch phone.

@davepermen: Not all Android phones have flash either, theres tons of Android phones that are stuck on 1.6 and the Nexus one is the only Android phone currently on 2.2.


@NuevoLeon: +1, I've tried alot of RSS apps but Reeder takes the cake with its great UI and Google Reader Sync.

All of the native iPhone apps, Safari, Notes, e-Mail, Messages, iPod, Maps.

Seriously? I wish they would improve their existing products before moving out to new markets.

Imagine they charge for this, they'd become so much richer

@neoflux: Definitely not since theres an app for it now...

@blehbleh13: It was in the Daring Fireball review

@FriarNurgle: Farmville is old, Its all about Frontierville now

These new phones are getting too effin' big. They're like slates with built in phone capabilities.

My one big gripe with Android is that the UI lacks polish.

I see somebody is holding their new iPhone wrong.

The 3G i can completely understand, but the iPT 2G I can't, it has a faster processor and handles the Wallpapers just fine.

@Barry knows CPR and took that guy's wallet: The Wallpaper solution with iOS 4.0 was to add drop shadows below every icon and text label so most wallpapers won't look like absolute crap with the icons because of the different colors and etc.

@SublimeAndEtc: Its the shadows under the Icons, without it many wallpapers will look like absolute crap.

@Alex Price: You got it spot on, somebody needs to promote this.

@cjoricj: Its to make the text and the Icons seem to pop out of the background so they don't look like they blend in and are part of the background.