
What wallpaper is that..

I've always wondered what that iPhone wallpaper was. Link? lol

@gemcosta: The newer, faster cortex A8 processor and extra 128 MB ram in the 3GS isn't there just for show...

Been playing Starcraft 2 like crazy

@Bowgart: Restore in DFU mode, itle be back to stock

@YouISee: Not all people are tech-savvy, half of my friends can't even figure out how to get my iPhone out of sleep mode.

@speednuts: Maybe it can tell me how magnets work

Playbook is such a terrible name

Eh, it's alright just need to get some game support. People should add me I'm Emasculator

iPhone version please

all this did was flip my document 180 degrees

@homerberkowitz: 4.2 is for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. So yes

The new Icon is hideous

@n_gamer: Don't forget a new iPod Touch

@boyracer: I don't own an Android device but yea I'm pretty sure I read that Android can play AAC.

@boyracer: I have no idea, maybe the user would do something retarded, like accidentally delete their library.

@ddhboy: Didn't you just say you use your iPod Touch for iStudiez Pro, then said that you don't need an iPod Touch because the Android has an alternative on their app store?