Jeff Schader

Where's the vat of garlic butter?

Sorry but there's no "clunky UI" when you're talking about the BlackBerry PlayBook's OS. You obviously know zero about user interface or interaction design.

Your absolutely right. The PlayBook is an incredible tablet that is lacking only in the app department. Everything else about it is stellar. From what I hear they created a wrapper that you can put Android apps into without have to recode them and they'll work on the PlayBook. If this is the case and I've see some

The old case of Bodine v. Enterprise High School where Bodine was stealing a light from a high school, fell through the sky light and sued the school. They settled out of court. You always hear variations of the story but that's the actual case from what I've read.

Sure my iPhone 4 takes great video. But can you take videos while splashing in the ocean or a pool? Not unless you feel like buying a new one. I don't know of any waterproof iPhone 4 cases.

and Zen Viewer HD...

@Jeff Schader: Correction this is from 2/13/10. Funny though.

@UltimateFlank: This is really funny. So I'm watching John Gruber talk on Fortune from a video from I think 2009. And he's talking about the 10 issues Apple has. And his first one is Steve Jobs. At about 9:30 in who does he compare Steve Jobs to?... Walt Disney! Check it out: []

@blyan is not on fire: Just a strange coincidence. I knew that Jobs became the largest shareholder after the sale of Pixar. But there's no better example of a company's leader who was so linked to their company (like Steve Jobs) in terms of vision as Walt Disney.

@UltimateFlank: If you meant did I know Jobs became Disney's largest shareholder after the sale of Pixar - then yes I knew. I think everyone in the tech industry knows that.

@DrBoom: Actually Eisner (along with Jeff Katzenberg) did some great things at Disney. They brought in Miramax, ESPN, ABC into the Disney fold. Built new theme parks. Created some amazing films. No Eisner was great for Disney for a long time. It wasn't until the end that he started screwing up.

Steve Jobs is the "soul" of Apple and while I think Apple would never quite be the same once he departs the company, I think a fair comparison would be Walt Disney & The Walt Disney Company.