
I kinda got the impression at the end of AoU that Hulk was retaining more and more of Banner’s personality and intellect. A mindless rage monster couldn’t operate the autopilot controls on a Quinjet, or calmly switch off the comms system.

We already have a talking Hulk... he just doesn’t talk enough.

I feel like Vixen will be an improvement over Romeo and Juliet if they were kind of hawks. I’m still mad about Cold though.

Even 2-time winners can’t eat their statues:

Art’s great but actors need to eat too.

My feelings right now:

It’s so odd to see people so massively determined to not talk about it. It’s fascinating, really. I don’t really care either way - I only care about the books and the movies based on those books - but it’s pretty telling how certain topics have become so polarizing. Either you 100% love it that Hermione is randomly

Its been a long time since i watched the harry potter movies, i never read the books, but something seems to be off about Hermine, was something lost in the books to movie translation?

I really didn’t think too much about that scene until now. Yes, it was upsetting and ugly, but the more I think about it, the more I think it was, in fact, necessary.

>> They had to give him and us a snuff film.

They didn’t have to make it as brutal as they did, but I think they had to show him killing his mother in some form. They established that he was fairly apathetic about his dad, but he loved his mom. Which is why Tony didn’t say “He killed my parents.” He says “He killed my mom.” Or something to that effect. Forget

“how does knowing how Howard dies ruin his appearances on Agent Carter?”

The producers were trying to make it work without her, but the network never said it was coming back.

Don't blame us. Blame Howard for being so silly as to transport Super Soldier serum in his trunk next to his golf clubs.

Someone clipped the main scene here: It’s so heavily implied it may as well be confirmed, considering the imagery flashing by with the kill confirmed, and that this was when Zola was talking about the Winter Soldier’s kills.

Ugh they keep digging that goddamn hole they put their own selves in! Why? Why Fox? After all the thinkpieces and fan hate that you and the show got for that shitshow of a finale where you literally made the black lead sacrifice herself for a white man and then told said white man her only purpose was to help

But . . . we already knew since Iron Man that Howard and Maria had died in a “car crash” and it had been very heavily implied in Captain America: The Winter Soldier that the “car crash” was a Hydra assassination, and probably in fact the Winter Soldier’s work.

I'm also of the opinion that not only would Peggy approve of Steve and Sharon, but she would be pissed at Steve had he made another choice.

How did Civil War tarnish Agent Carter? Because she died or because Cap macked on her niece?

Yeah, but it’s not like this show is cheap compared to Almost Human or the abysmal Minority Report.