
Yea I get that 99% of people thought it sucked, and can see their point. It worked for me.

This is easy to explain.

Now playing

And let’s not forget the only one of these that will matter:

“...biggest 20th Century Fox film to date.”

I kind of love that though. Kylo Ren is unlike any Star Wars villain we’ve had in the past, this weirdly impotent, angry young man who is enraged that his legacy, his destiny (the most powerful concept in Star Wars, after all, is prophecy and fate), has been denied to him.

No comment on the bareback horse riding, other than to say that saddles exist for a reason. But it hasn’t stopped action movies with human stars in the past, so superhuman women are probably just more badass.

I thought it was more likely that the picture, if not the entire laptop scene, was inserted after they finished shooting BvS. It certainly felt like a last minute insert.

Most likely it was a blank green screen and the photo was just inserted later. Most screens in films tend to be green screen placeholders until the VFX portion of post. So it could have been done in just the last couple of months.

You think they care about those BvS reviews?

Unless the opportunity was to have Barry and Kara interact with childlike wonder at each other’s origins and abilities, resulting in several moments of giddy joy, because that was done perfectly.

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Seid, I would like to cordially invite your son to earth for a party. There will be cake. The theme is Kill The Justice League. Bring a thing. Sincerely, Alexander Luthor Jr.

If that’s the way you see it than that’s the way you see it. It’s not like there’s a right or wrong.

Yup, I felt like they did a TON of world-building in this and I appreciated the hell out of it. I went into this expecting to hate it (or at least dislike it a ton), but ended up enjoying myself far more than Age of Ultron, which just felt like it existed solely as a reason for Tony Stark to be even more

Batman v. Superman- I liked it.

“It’s also worth pointing out that the demo only offered the man’s perspective, so I hope the final library is less gender normative.”

The funniest was this one posted by Will Holz!:

Also when he toots.

I love when they break the fourth wall to comment on his speaking in all caps.

Source material? I thought black widow was Russian and ultron was created by hank pym. I am sure you watched MCU movies and claimed yourself all knowing geek. Comics themselves alter their characters. I suppose you already knew this but want to nitpick DC without any legit reason.

Works for Marvel.