“people who are criminal prone”
“people who are criminal prone”
He’s got 9 fingers and the webbing between the missing finger and the rest of his hand is fucked up. That’s the long and short of it.
I’m guessing you weren’t anywhere near the east coast when 9/11 happened, were you? Because if you were, you’d realize how obnoxiously insensitive this article is. I was living in north jersey when 9/11 occurred, and I remember him throwing out that first pitch. It was a huge moment. I disliked much of his presidency,…
Lack of Teen Titans Go! makes it VERY hard to give this list any credence, or abundantly makes it clear that no one at gawker watches it (miles above steven universe and regular show in terms of clever writing and unique ways of using animation to deliver physical humor, has been since the get-go, and continues to…
Could you imagine the outrage if a guy ever published an article like this about women? Even just the title? He’d be labeled misogynistic jerk and likely blackballed out of a writing career...
Has Barack’s presidency taught us nothing? The most well-intentioned candidate could get elected, but it DOESN’T MATTER as long as congress remains determined to not allow progress to happen
Well, with an attitude like that, progress can’t be far!
I think you just came up with a great follow-up series: Why “Why Your Team Sucks” Haters Suck
Can’t at least bother to do the research to discover it’s the same Lake Tahoe tourney where the Ben Roethlisberger incident took place? Gawker - WE’RE JOURNALISTS, WE SWEAR.
“a drip feed of under-realized ideas”
And the award for most pedophilic article title in the history of the internet goes to...DREW MAGARY! Come on down!
I think you confused fanboys with fanbases...there’s a pretty big difference...
Sigh. His name isn’t Doctor Who. He didn’t go to medical school, and his last name isn’t Who. It’s the Doctor. Entire review rendered null and void.
just be glad people assume bloggers buy clean clothes
Sure it’s not smart to post that on twitter, but ask any sports television exec, and they’d tell you the numbers support that argument. Not that it’s a good thing, but it is the way things are right now.
Any news on what/when the Ni No Kuni team’s upcoming ps4 game is gonna be?
All the +1s to you, sir.
But could you imagine the slippery slope of suddenly asking light-skinned black people if they’re really black? It’s one thing for her parents to come out and say something, but just some person she taught or worked with...I mean, what if the accuser wound up being wrong? They’d be labeled racist and it would follow…