
Was the Orochi sold in the US? I’m curious if I can expect to ever see one show up at a Cars & Coffee.

My sister could use this, if only because she has an awesome ‘68 Ford Bronco that she really does not get the most out of.

Can you imagine the uproar if the Junk Jet didn’t exist?

I snuck up, shut them all down (so they just stopped in their tracks mid-race), and killed off the triggermen. I was bummed that I couldn’t do the races (or have it be somewhere I take over as a caps-producing base), but eh, it was a minor attraction for me.

I was initially put off by the “first thirty minutes” of the game, what with ‘end-game’ level activities (power armor, group of followers, killing a deathclaw, minigun) just handed to you. I’ve since then (2 1/2 cumulative days of gameplay in) come to like the game. Issues like the race track exist, yes, and the whole

I will counter with “As a C4 owner, it’s got one gear too many and there’s no Overdrive button.”

Did we learn nothing from Lambo Batman?!

As a C7 owner... that’s missing two gears, and reverse is in the wrong place!

As a GM fanboy, why not save yourself from settling and get a Corvette?

One of us! One of us!

Gabe drives a Porsche? No wonder he’s so slow to get HL3 done...

Honestly, I liked 5. Most of what they’re doing makes sense. The only thing that bugged me about the entire game is that I completed the single player story in one evening. That’s *never* happened with a Halo game before for me (even Reach, which I loathed). And to add salt to the wound of feeling like I’d been

That gullwing has got to be the stupidest thing ever... followed by Airstream showing off an X towing one of their trailers. I don’t know a single Airstream owner who would even remotely consider using an electric vehicle to tow their trailer (the range would be a joke). I certainly hope the X has some pocket-universe

Been a few months since I played through New Vegas again, but correct me if I’m wrong: didn’t the rads you’d amassed not offset your max health? The minimalist UI there now seems to suggest that if I have rads, it means my max health is reduced.

(Potential) Spoilers!

I am finally starting on the game tonight. I’ve been playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 lately but am feeling a bit burned out on it. I held of on starting F4 on launch day as I was awaiting a 980ti’s delivery as well as just starting Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, which I didn’t want to stop halfways through. That’s all

Seriously, fuck what Jalopnik has become. Bring back Murilee and actual interesting and passionate writing, or fuck off.

Dang it, you just reminded me that I still need to post up on the Corvette Forum about my return trip from Bowling Green in May 2014... I’m way behind on that.

Yeah, another 7-speed Corvette. It was my first, a college grad ‘gift’ (needed work) mid-2000’s. Gave that to my sis for a few years and bought my dad’s ‘01 convertible. That got hit by a red light runner in 2013, so I placed an order for the ‘14 Z51 with the insurance money. Still have had the ‘86 in the family the

The carbon fiber dash looks neat for sure, though I’ve stayed away from the ‘raw carbon fiber’ look on my end. If I ever decide to go nuts I’ll consider doing what I’ve seen done and get the brushed aluminum pieces done in carbon flash. I’ve generally left the interior alone though (other than mounting a V1 to the