If only Eric Gregg was available to be the bankruptcy judge, the IRS would be ordered to pay Livan $15 million.
If only Eric Gregg was available to be the bankruptcy judge, the IRS would be ordered to pay Livan $15 million.
Anything that changes ESPN coverage of the NBA pregame has to be a plus. While I’ll record “Inside the NBA”, even if I have no interest in watching the game, I’ll watch “Impractical Jokers” reruns before watching that ESPN shitshow.
the pragmatic move was always to join ESPN. But as it turns out, he’s able to eat his cake and have it too.
If Rocky Balboa saw what the NFL was doing to his city, he’d shoot himself in the chest.
Bill Self? I don’t follow the Hall that closely but it seems strange to induct people that are still working. I would never argue he doesn’t deserve it but it still seems like weird timing.
Watching Ichiro spray line drives all over the field always reminds me of the story from the season when George Brett was flirting with .400 in Sept. and a reporter asked an opposing pitcher if he had a strategy when facing Brett. The pitcher’s response was something like; “..yeah, I pitch him inside so the line…
Something something Epstein’s mother something. I don’t know it’s early.
I listened to the audio version of his “memoir” earlier this year. It is truly, genuinely brilliant literature. I don’t know how to say that on the internet without it coming off as ironic or sarcastic, but it is honestly one of the best comic novels I’ve ever read.
For a minute there Phil Jackson saw “Former Syracuse Star Melo Dies” and got super excited.
Gruden is way overrated. He won the superbowl with Dungy’s team, and immediately drove then into the ground.
It’s actually 28 minutes of commercials per hour. I caclulcated it once from the live stream when I was bored. 4 commercial breaks. 3 of those run for 5-6 minutes. The fourth (top of the hour) runs about the same for most ESPN radio shows, but is closer to 8-9 minutes for M&M. And then Greenie reads no fewer than 4 on…
Who Pooped The Bed? is the unquestioned leader for worst episode ever.
Holy crap is this a terrible list.
The respect of your peers, the appreciation of a nation and the immense satisfaction that must come with punching Grayson Allen.
I sincerely believe that the line of thinking that Will espouses above is completely part of the problem that gave rise to white nationalism, Trump, and all manner of other issues, rather than a solution. When our country is becoming more consciously divided than maybe anytime in the last 3 decades, many people’s…