Oh hey look, both posts... still pending. W.T.F.................................................
Oh hey look, both posts... still pending. W.T.F.................................................
Hey thanks for stranding my thoughtful, respectful, and critical response in pending while this article gets safely pushed down the into site where no eyes could possibly see it. Keep up the good work guys. I definitely did not want to be a part of this conversation or anything...
Totally appreciate the spirit of this article, but I don’t really see many valid points here, other than maybe taking too long to rank up and losing rank too quickly, which I suppose could be a nice quick fix, but I don’t think warrants an entire op ed piece.
I realize there would be no way to do this since a bunch of consumers already paid for the season pass... but if they wanted to get some attachment and goodwill after the almost complete bungling of this game, they should’ve offered this expansion for free. You’d have to pay me to play more of the Division at this…
Honestly kind of surprised and def bummed this doesn’t include the soundtrack, at least as a digital download. Also feels kind of weird asking us to buy something without a release date...
I’m a hardcore gamer/early adopter/tech nerd, and I really hate being the naysayer in this neat new tech space... But that one paragraph describing discomfort and the multiple references to fatigue says everything I have suspected and really need to know about this technology for the moment.
It’s a sad day when not a single OST on the Best Video Game Music of the year list is chiptune or at least electronic. I for one will rarely consider any orchestral score to be the best of any kind of video game music. Granted, I can’t point to many this year (Axiom Verge is a solid one), but I imagine someone more…
My suggestion is to just play through as much of the story as you can/enjoy at first. Just by doing the missions you’ll level up and earn better and better gear. Once you’ve had enough of the story do some strikes (and just stick close to your matchmaking teammates in the strikes and 9/10 times you’ll be fine), and…
Nothing worse than a random telling you what gear to equip, drives me nuts.
Pretty sure you only need to be lvl 25 to start playing the new content, and then you’ll move up very quickly once you start playing
Wow never thought I’d see the day. Gamers can change their opinions! Good on you for having the guts to admit it, and the community will be happy to have you no doubt
Well then this themepark has the best damn FPS I’ve ever played!
The Destiny launch was clearly maligned for a bunch of reasons. I think this is just an attempt to be self-deprecating and hit on what a lot of the community was saying regularly. I don’t think it was meant to be taken as an f-u to playeres.
Thank you for this.
Came here to say exactly this, though Rontanamo expressed it far more intelligently and succinctly than I ever could. Thanks for writing this, and could not agree more.
Ok I figured it had to be just a quicker way of using the consumable... But in all honesty, this isn’t an exploit... It just gives you the consumables intended effect quicker. You still have to buy and spend the coins, and the drop rate is what it is... this strategy just saves you the time of running an entire strike…
I don’t understand how this is any different than running any strike or story mission with a 3-of-coins popped...? Is this tip indicating that this boss or method produces exotic engrams more frequently than killing a different boss with a 3-of-coins loaded up??