
I realize that design taste are totally subjective, but why, oh, why, do people hate color so much?! And before someone corrects me by pointing out the mismatched chairs and the floral arrangements, those don't even close to make up for the horribly sterile white walls and shutters. Even hospitals have started using

I have to share something I just recently learned on this subject.

If you are worried about how easily your bag may come off in a struggle I would suggest NEVER attempting this in a truly dangerous situation. I lived in a third world country for a couple of years where the instructions said never to carry a bag in such a way that it can't be easily removed. People had been killed

While certainly correct I think it's helpful to keep in mind that the two-hour buffer really only applies to larger airports. Arriving more than an hour early at my local airport (Albuquerque), is just a silly waste of time. On the other hand I don't think you can ever arrive at O'Hare too early.

Though I'm now working on my upper division classes I still have my ID from my days at the community college, it has no expiration date. Which means that I'm a student there until I decide not to be. They even keep my email account active just in case I ever decide to return for more classes.

a $30 water bottle?! why don't you just buy a $10 Nalgene and donate the other $20 straight to the charity of your choice?

@mullingitover: The Sprint Epic version of the Galaxy includes both the front camera and Google search. Though it is the only American version to have the front cam, and it also has a physical keyboard.

@Tanner Prasek: Though apple may be the most valuable tech company out there, they are far, far from the largest. They are in fact 10th on the list by revenue and employ less than one tenth the workforce of IBM.

@JackMatt: Thanks for the clarification. I kept thinking, wasn't that jet made by Lockheed?

@mind in rewind: With lower pixel density, and missing two cameras.

@The Werewolf: There really is no such thing as an unlocked CDMA device. Without a SIM card, it would be very difficult to switch carriers.

@Ninety-9: Thank you! I have already seen a number of comparisons with the iPhones camera, and each one showed the iPhone producing overly warm photos.

@djlaser: oh and how do you know if you white balance is exact in the picture you just took?

@dbowker3d: Before you mis-interpret the authors comments. They were referring to the idea of owning both a Nook and a Kindle.

@Kirril: I think there is a little more plastic below the keyboard, but other than that it is pretty much standard BB fare.

so are there hardware variants of this like there are the Galaxy S smartphones?

@pezeveng319: Will it be illegal for people under the influence of pot to drive, and is their a viable field sobriety test for enforcing that?

@xido: wait, when did I ever say that pixel density on the iPhone didn't matter? That is really the only thing the iPhone has going for it that no one has yet matched.

@blyan-reloaded: The iPad screen may be 3 inches larger, but the resolution is not very much higher, making pixel density on the Galaxy tab higher. 132ppi vs 171ppi

I find it interesting that so many people are complaining about the off contract price on this device. Take a look at the cost of your average cell phone off contract.