@Capall: I think the problem most people have is when industrial designers take precedence over engineering, which seems to be the case with the problems seen in the newest iPhone.
@Capall: I think the problem most people have is when industrial designers take precedence over engineering, which seems to be the case with the problems seen in the newest iPhone.
@Eulatos: I honestly don't think that is true. If this were a high end device from Blackberry or Android, tech blogs would be just as ruthless.
@crayonhead: The last part of your post is what disturbs me the most. The people vote with their wallets, and right now they are telling no just apple, but everyone, that a functional device is not necessary as long as it is trendy and looks nice.
@AlienSix: They have been throwing the word magical around a lot lately. Maybe that is their plan for making their hardware work, they call it magical enough that it actually creates and enchanted phone of call making!
@Ldubbz: Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the OMAP GPU basically on par with the iPhone 3GS? The hummingbird (like the A4) is a big step up from that, but the new OMAP soc is a big step up as well.
@vercordio: I don't think anyone doubts all of the flaws in flash based web development, what no one has seen at this point is a valid replacement.
@CowZ: Somehow I don't see every PC using photographer switching to Mac to use a new software suite, and we all know that Apple will never produce Aperture outside of the Mac environment.
@Andrew Pollack: I don't think Google realistically expected Gmail to overtake Exchange.
@AustinFound: The only fix for this is to change the way the entire phone is made. There is no software fix that can compensate for a poorly designed antenna the loses signal you touch a particular part of the phone.
@webdevmike: this isn't going to get any better by day 365 though, it is a fundamental design flaw. A phone that disconnectes if you move your hand into the wrong position? next they are going to try and convince everyone that it is the new "multitouch" end button!
@MarcusMaximus: True enough, I just wanted to let you know that there was single option out there for the android tablet with marketplace. It will be great when there are more legitimate offerings though.
@MarcusMaximus: Though I can't confirm it I have seen a number of places that claim to be able to install the market on the Archos 5 Internet Tablet. Though this is very unofficial, and very much a hack.
@Future Retro: I agree, personally I don't see the need to have 3g on an ebook reader. on a tablet maybe, but an ebook reader needs a connection just long enough to download a book. I guess I've just never thought, boy I need to read that book this very second! I can wait until I get home to complete such a task.
@Kaiser-Machead: How about just insanely evil? I don't really see a whole lot of genius.
@SenorElChimpo: wow, way to judge an entire brand of cars based on the crappiest, cheapest model.
@Kaiser-Machead: Not that I don't agree about finding alternative energy , but how are we going to power this new expanded electrical grid?
@Anne Boleyn: I would imagine any lighting that these would be used for would be low voltage. FlatWire has a pretty large selection of sconces and wire that are all for low voltage applications.
@BlowfishAvenger: You sir, earned my heart for today. That was one of the wisest, most logical comments I've heard on Gizmodo, ever.