Sean, Thank you.
Sean, Thank you.
@mexi1010: As a fellow christian, and not a fellow catholic I have to agree with you. The two largest charitable organizations behind the American Red Cross are the Catholic and Mormon Churches. those three organizations combine to provide more disaster relief aid than all other parties combined. So when people…
@zer0zen: many of the places i go for work I would have to leave my phone in the car, not exactly convenient!
So Android phones are always going to have cameras? Damn I hate being a business user sometimes. Why is Blackberry the only one to make a camera-less smartphone?!
@M3ta7h3ad: Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing! You are comparing 120V AC to a maximum of 12V DC and also assuming that somehow by biting through the cord they could somehow send that to their heart. From your comments I guess I will just excuse you from this one as you have no idea how electricity works.
the FX logo seems like a direct rip-off of the older Dell XPS logo