
I absolutely do not have to admire that.

Coincidentally, Lonely Master was 2/3 of my high school nickname.

The thing is, you can regain your swagger playing Chinese basketball, but you lose all your confidence again an hour later.

Show us how it’s done, NZ.

To everyone who uses the old argument about viewership and ad revenue, I watch the exact same amount of men’s soccer and women’s soccer. So there.

to be honest, Bartolo looks pretty good in a Padres uni

I don’t even know where to start from cause I’m still in surprise, what! a powerful spiritual man is herbal doctor Idumebolo. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend (Nicole) for 7 years but all of a sudden inside last year October 15th a day I won’t ever forget, my boyfriend broke up with me on this faithful

Donkey Doug.

Rob Manfred: [looks at 14,000-person crowd at Chase Field to see the 14-30 Diamondbacks play next June] Baseball is in decline because of the shift.

Eventually, the header image will have all its background faded away, leaving nothing but a screaming, reddened face floating against the void, cruel and uncaring, a swollen gaseous giant bursting under its own enormous mass, and on that day, the Raiders will still have Gruden employed because hahaha holy shit did

You’d think the emcee/guy in a tuxedo on stage wouldn’t require an event bracelet like he’s going to the aquarium.

Looking forward to Jezebel at the Deadspin awards again this year

May Bendall and Jezspin both last forevs.

Did you google, “What would Mark Davis’s haircut look like on a big red ass?” to find that picture?

‘Oceans are small’ was the only way Melania could help convince Donald that his dinghy was really a yacht.

Thibs will get his revenge tonight by playing Butler for just 46 minutes.

Deadspin: Come for the unique sports insights, stay for the weirdos who notice shit like this

Jaylen Brown’s face is uncannily symetrical.
