Guardians of the Galaxy 3 comes on Disney+ on 8/2.
Guardians of the Galaxy 3 comes on Disney+ on 8/2.
Did you watch the clip? Burnham flying through space in her ironman suit, only to land on cloaked ship just as it was heading into warp. She rode the warping ship, and used a phaser to cut into it, while casually chatting and joking with another captain that had come to tractor it.
It’s actually not a thing. Executives have just proclaimed this in defense of their own greed so many times that everyone believes it.
I love that literally 50% of Gizmodo’s articles are bashing Amazon for being evil, and the other 50% of Gizmodo’s articles are Amazon promotions and affiliate links. Come on, pick a side and put your money where your mouth is. If Amazon is so evil, don’t promote prime day
Honestly, I assumed as much already. Of course that's how AI models are trained. Scraping the public internet is how all of Google works.
I miss that desperately. And I say this as someone who, by and large, has really enjoyed NuTrek.
Star Trek has always been at its strongest and most popular when it wasn’t exclusive and difficult to watch
It’s strange! As everyone knows, guns are magically-enchanted objects and can only be used by the pure of heart! And yet, this woman was able to use a gun to commit a wrong? That shouldn’t be possible!
I mean, at least try calling the cops before you start shooting, jeez.
The fact that Prodigy was yanked so quickly implies to me that a deal with another streamer is imminent, or at least very likely.
Not mentioned in this story: Copas is from Kentucky, so she was presumably unaware that El Paso is a border town and signs for Juarez just mean that you’re in El Paso, not that you’re on the way to have your 48-year-old organs harvested, or whatever nonsense she inhaled from cable news.
It really does seem like a fundamental failure of basic business strategy. Businesses everywhere know that sometimes you do things that don’t make money or even cost money in order to bring more value to your brand as a whole. Costco sells their hot dog combo and rotisserie chickens at a loss because they know it…
“Now that the bill has received royal assent, the Department of Canadian Heritage will draft regulations specifying the application of the act and provide guidance on implementing it. It should take six months for Bill C-18 to come into force.”
Someone needs to go to jail.
Looks like you answered your own question, and, by the way it is written, I bet you do it a lot.
Burner accounts are now unsupported. Assume nothing at all.
“Uhh we only sell your data to the Good Guys.”