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    Okay. Normally, I don’t get in on these, but this Timex Weekender lovefest has to stop.

    Okay. Normally, I don’t get in on these, but this Timex Weekender lovefest has to stop.

    You got this star for including fences.

    Fyi, it’s not a fancy brand, but I have (and have abused) the pictured High Sierra backpack for almost 10 years, and nothing has ever failed, torn, or stitching coming loose, etc... Add to that a ton of capacity, and the rain cover, and it makes a fantastic travel backpack.

    Fyi, it’s not a fancy brand, but I have (and have abused) the pictured High Sierra backpack for almost 10 years, and

    Thank you! I read similar reviews on Amazon and decided to pass for just that reason. Much appreciated!

    Thank you! I read similar reviews on Amazon and decided to pass for just that reason. Much appreciated!

    Can somebody hop in here, and tell me why buying that drill is a mistake? I’m sure somebody can.

    Can somebody hop in here, and tell me why buying that drill is a mistake? I’m sure somebody can.

    I know it’s been said, but I feel like it needs to be hollered... “THE HBO GO APP IS TERRIBLE.” It’s not the CC’s fault.

    I know it’s been said, but I feel like it needs to be hollered... “THE HBO GO APP IS TERRIBLE.” It’s not the CC’s

    Only curveball getting bonus right now

    You sure? It says the words, but doesn’t apply the bonus for anything but a curveball for me, and it seems many others...

    I think “great, nice, and excellent” correlate to the XP bonuses when catching (10, 20, 50), while the size of colored ring determines how likely your catch is to staying in the ball.

    I don’t mind that people use certain types of tracking to find rare Pokemon and build out their Pokédex...

    Hey, Mike. Have you noticed that the game doesn’t work unless your location settings are on GPS only?

    Eat it raw, of course.

    Eat it raw, of course.

    It doesn’t work immediately.

    I don’t disagree with you about planned obsolescence in some cases, but(!) in the specific case of this mouse, lets do the math...

    I don’t disagree with you about planned obsolescence in some cases, but(!) in the specific case of this mouse, lets

    Why on earth is it considered “high end” to have a rechargeable battery in amouse??? Why would anyone want a rechargeable battery in a mouse?

    Why on earth is it considered “high end” to have a rechargeable battery in amouse??? Why would anyone want a

    I have this router in the front window of a brownstone building and am able to use it while sitting in the backyard. Love the range, and the speed on the (relatively) uncluttered 5Ghz channel. Big thumbs up!

    I have this router in the front window of a brownstone building and am able to use it while sitting in the backyard.

    FYI on the cardboard headset. It’s very nice for the price, but the magnetic button is so far back, it didn’t work with my Nexus 6p in any configuration.

    FYI on the cardboard headset. It’s very nice for the price, but the magnetic button is so far back, it didn’t work

    Bought the speaker. Sound quality surprisingly good for the price and feature set. Good look.

    Bought the speaker. Sound quality surprisingly good for the price and feature set. Good look.

    Just wait until your personal drone can haul all your supplies and take your pictures for you while you trek the PCT

    Just wait until your personal drone can haul all your supplies and take your pictures for you while you trek the PCT