
We’re all adults here. You can say “Fuck” without xing out letters.

i’m not allowed to give blood to the Red Cross because I had a gay thought.

Just did the math and my pickup is around 19lbs/hp and honestly it’s just fine, more would certainly be nice, but it gets around daily with no issues. Having a bit more torque is beneficial to keep things from getting boring so I think for a car 15lbs/hp is probably the sweet spot for most people. My motorcycle on the

What about torque? Won’t anyone think of the torque?!?

Now playing

Honestly feel the Yamaha V10 from the LFA puts both these to shame.

Jay Leno. Obvious answer is obvious.

Gaudy Arabia.

Mustang has Bluetooth.

Big +1 from me. I think if you’re going to get yourself a first bike or car you should learn how to change spark plugs, oil, oil filter, fuel filter, brake pads, tire valves/ check tire pressure and so on. Like basic maintenance stuff. My Dad never learnt how to use the most basic of tools so when I was old enough to

I don’t mean to hate. Its a beautiful ride and I am glad you enjoy it. Maybe I am a little jealous. hehe

Right there with you!

I think someone on Bimmerpost pulled it off, but at great personal, financial, and spiritual cost.

You’ve picked a winner there, my man. Both in terms of car and spouse!

I wish I could bring myself to buy another BMW because this car is beautiful.

Oh my god that car is gorgeous in that color.

These are fantastic (diesel too!).

My sedan is spec’d the same. Wife wouldn't let me get the wagon :(

That is a gorgeous car. Nice work.

That’s purdy. At least they let you have it in a nice color and sport package, which is more than they did for the previous gen.