
Seriously, I was hoping for things like first "Glass Cockpit" avionics suite. Or first high-bypass ratio cargo/people transporter.

I don't know on this one. It looks pretty clean, I'd like to see a hood just so I know he's got one that will fit since it looks like the stock one would no longer fit. Someone else pointed out a low mileage gen 1 viper can be had for $25k... I'd probably be comfortable at that price provided a hood and it can drive

So he took a 2800lb car and added a few hundred pounds of motor.

Fortunately, you have that option.

As soon as it comes to PS4 I'll buy it. Until then, no thanks.

Hate to be the one to say it, but I have to admit I really love that so many of the amazing new features are stuff Android has been doing forever...

Now if only you could add some sort of interactive applications to that new empty homescreen, some sort of...I dunno..widget that you could customize. Wouldn't that be cool?

From someone who owns and plays the game, enemies are hard, they are just bullet sponges. Not that that makes the bad but it certainly doesn't make it any more fun.

I find a nod and an open palm raised communicates that fairly well.

Frankly I'm appalled that nowhere in here is use your god damn turn signal. Oh, you're merging over in front of me, would have never guessed, think now would be a good time to practice my PIT maneuver strategy?

Likely because inaccurate EPA mileage statements never killed anyone.

What pisses me off about that is how common it is.

I would go even broader. If you don't have the mental aptitude to not buy these piece of shit GM cars, then you shouldn't be allowed on the road. Show up for your driving test in a Cobalt? Instant fail. Everyone wins.

So how does Congress bailing out GM and saving them from extinction factor in to your obviously well thought out logic here? Please don't respond with periods after every word.

slow news day?

Does. Writing. Haltingly. Make. Your. Tantrum. More. Convincing. To. Other. People? Or do you think presenting logical arguments preferably backed by evidence will do a better job?

How do men with goatees rise to leadership roles in government and corporate America? I feel like poor decision making in facial hair should transcend to poor decisions in leadership.

Honestly, if I have an "ice emergency", I'm just going to go to the nearest grocery store/gas station/convenience store and buy a bag of ice, because 12 extra ice cubes is not going to go very far if it's an "ice emergency" (WTF even is that?), and not many people have multiple egg cartons just hanging out on standby.

Now this article is at the heart of what Lifehacker is all about. Excellently written article. (Y)