
"It's because things are still happening on the PS3. Loads of people are still satisfied with the PS3's graphics."

Because their celebrity event featured an actor from Hong Kong?

Yep. I'm reminded of the old "and the Soviets used a pencil" story.

Big McLargeHuge!

Unrelated, but the ad at the bottom of my page says that the F-Type Coupe appears to list "performance, sound, view, braking, and an interior" as "features."

The newest planes are more environmentally friendly...

And you thought planes and airports were crowded now?

I absolutely don't want to be a party pooper, and these pooches are adorable, but as an animal lover, I feel a certain duty to at least provide this advice from the ASPCA, for readers to consider:

Oh wow. So much fail.

The hubless wheels of Franco Sbarro offered light weight, great rigidity, and a host of other benefits. Plus they look so damn cool. Could you imagine a hubless donk?

Are taxis Kosher for Shabbat? (Genuine question, not trying to be a jerk)

I think because the passenger would need to inform the car where to take them, it would not be Kosher, unless (like the Rabbi mentions) it's taken to synagogue.

That could be a crushing blow to Uber.

Weren't the 90s more prosperous than the 80s? There, the brewery count increases.

I feel like this article would have been much better had you just said, "hey, look at this clever dope do something neat and cool to watch, impractical though it clearly is," rather than saluting the genius of a man who essentially removed steering and braking, and added weight, bulk, and almost certain risk of being

Perhaps just a skateboard?

Add a bigger engine, a/c, an enclosure to keep out the elements, and the ability to steer off the track...

A brand new standardized Euro-pallet costs $13. Add wheels, and you just won at everything.

What does it take to make a Porsche 911SC into a rally car, capable of running the East African Safari rally? Not much, apparently. All it took was some rear-suspension upgrades, extra body protection, additional front lights and a Martini livery.