
Thanks for the reasonable reply (no sarcasm, actual thanks), but I'm not sure I believe that. Could you provide a reference? [Edit: sorry, I meant this rhetorically. The wiki I link to provides some references, and discusses limitations of both points]

I don't understand the passion for preserving the name, apart from a stubborn owners:

The name is a *tribute* to the people from the Boston Tea Party that dressed as Indians to dump the tea in the harbor and start the American Revolution.

Am I wrong in thinking that soccer might be a sport that would most lend itself to men and women playing professionally, alongside, on the same team? It's a sport that rewards athleticism, endurance, speed, and skill, with less emphasis on body mass than others. Perhaps?

It's weird. When I google "Chris Froome channel tunnel", I get exactly the same story, quotes, and photos, but without the errors added in.

The ride was actually 1 June, and as usual, Máté didn't bother to check a single fact. Your point would have been an easy indicator...

Does this photo accompany the main headline? Is this a German car?

I would imagine they had to be careful not to use a bike, lest they cross first and ruin the whole damn thing. Hehehe, the thought of that actually makes me smile.

"crossing the Channel Tunnel at an average speed of 40 mph."

Anyone else surprised it took this long? I'd have thought someone would have biked it years ago.

Your co-worker's ex-wife is a whore.

His hand, dude.

Doesn't this fall under the MAD Magazine -type right to satire (if that)?

Well, this is the rate, perhaps, that they are actually ticketed, yes - but the implication by the article is that these are the most and least targeted cars.

Yeeeeeeeeah. That was pointed out immediately and repeatedly.

It became slightly ironic, in a different sense, in 1994, when it became part of BMW.

I really wish we got more European makes and models here in the States. Especially since GM is circling the drain after having gotten a massive bailout. Screw 'em, and let Renault, Vauxhall, and Citroen have a chance. The competition just might make a lazy US industry get off its ass.

I've seen that one, and always liked it, but upon the 16th viewing, I notice that:

Somewhat related - here's a cop in DC parked square in the middle of a sidewalk.