
I'm curious about this as well. Surely the area over which the CoF applies is relevant? And hence, wider tires typically provide more grip?

I'm curious about this as well. Surely the area over which the CoF applies is relevant? And hence, wider tires typically provide more grip?

Actually, those three things are all (essentially) the same thing, yes? Friction holds tires to road to provide centripetal force. Bank allows the road to (so to speak) push toward the center of the turn, i.e., centripetal force.

With materials that expensive - I'd imagine in some areas, the road would get stolen.

Won't the road grime block the light within a few hours?

I think maybe you don't know much about James May. May has an outspoken interest in technological development and engineering. (See his shows Man Lab and Toy Stories for further evidence).

That chart doesn't make sense. All it shows is that there are a greater number of cops than sociopaths and cab drivers.

Big McLargehuge. Beat Punchbeef. Buck Plankchest. Stump Chunkman. Trunk Slamchest.

"Just going 50 KMH over the limit gets six points on their license..."

The kids at my local high school have lots of STIs also.

Teenager gets Nissan GT-R. Teenager goes way too fast in Nissan GT-R. Teenager gets Nissan GT-R impounded. None of that is surprising. But why does a Canadian teenager even have a Nissan GT-R?

Planes always take off into the wind. And a headwind would arguably reduce the ground speed needed for takeoff.

Taxes, culture, the proximity of In-N-Out burgers?

Nvm. After watching the video it looks more like he was stepping left too late. I think the hop was an artifact of the gif.

Anyone else think, at a certain point, he was trying to jump it? Maybe not initially, but looking at it, it looks like he could have stepped a bit to his left rather than take it square-on. He sort of hops a bit, which I'm guessing he envisioned as more of a gazelle-like leap.

Wow. Not a lot of women readers, I'm guessing?

Or you could not post the same story over and over. That's a challenge too.

Top Ten Versions Jalop Has Posted of This Story in the Last Two Days

Why isn't their screencap text reading "Holy crap, almost all of Toyota is relocating to Texas!"