My completely blind guess - micro batch brandy made by niche wineries
My completely blind guess - micro batch brandy made by niche wineries
I spent entirely too much time playing world of warcraft, that was my first response too
Let's see if I can translate - Bill said a lot of words that I didn't understand, so I started thinking about monkeys. Monkeys are funny, some people think humans are related to monkeys. I don't think I'm related to a monkey, how would that work? Oh crap, I need to say something about this and sound smart, creation…
Any plans to bring the kotaku podcast back at some point?
only 628 hours, I have almost that amount of time just invested in Terraria
Star Wars Galaxies was my MMO home at the time. When the CU patch hit a bunch of guilds on Tempest server decided to jump ship. They decided to give WoW a try, a server was picked, we jumped over, and 9.5-ish years later, some of us are still there.