omg reaper... all the lulz
omg reaper... all the lulz
It seems like since Advanced Warfare, which i don’t think was a folly personally, theyve been stagnant in this series and it is getting a touch old.
seriously. fahk everyone for even making this an actual thing.
HAH! funnier still people who didn’t get the joke...
yoooooo i miss music videos like this...
not moved. such a cliche moment, happens every olympics. heart still black
haha still arguing I see even though you don’t care about my opinion. I don’t care if he said that or not. Thats not what is important. You said that I’m basically lying to myself and torn up inside and justifying my purchase. I’m not justifying anything, I just like this game straight up regardless of what was…
hah, for someone who doesn’t care about anybody else’s opinion, you sure talk alot. I’m not tearing up inside at all. This is a great game and exactly what I was looking for in it. So it’s not even a matter of opinion, the point you’re trying to make is just flat out wrong.
your logic is kind of flawed there bud. This is assuming everyone wanted that. Multiplayer is a feature and not one that I was particularly interested in for this game to begin with, as it seems many others as well feel this way, so even if it was part of the game, I would be a nice to have not a necessity.
ridiculous. every one just needs to just take a chill pill. I am one of the biggest FF fans ever and while my heart admittedly sank a little bit, this is the nature of the gaming industry. And as Jason stated in his earlier article, this is almost ALWAYS a good thing for the game.
I found another cool tip this weekend. If you’re on a planet with hostile environment (heat, acid rain, cold, etc) and you find yourself too far away from your ship with your hazard bar getting low, you can actually mine into an Emeril or Heredium stone and it will stabilize your hazard suit!
always love when I come to read these types of articles from you guys and I’m already doing/discovered most of this stuff!
typical mouth breathers
Do you think that he will become as popular as Mickey Mouse?
yaaasss thank you for the reminder! wanted to play this since it was first written about here..
Uhhh that Kiki tho?!
this was one of my favs too!
French in a lot of games is quickest too