
That would be way more impressive if he hadn't clearly drilled a hole in the middle and was just spinning it around his finger. It doesn't look like the guy in the OP is doing that which would require a ton more manual dexterity.

Maybe the meme should've been "smartphone camera."

Phil Tippett (best known for ED-209 in RoboCop).

Best known for ED-209? Er...

Soooo I hate to be that guy but this is my cousin. Jelani is a fantastic musician. I used to pester the shit of of him as kids to either play Star Wars or I just Called to Say I Love You. He used to play professionally when he was about 12 at this awesome pizza place that has an organ that rose up out of the floor. I

I don't know what you mean by "Suddenly." Name 10 shows from the beginning of television that had main characters smoke with any regularity. It's not a new idea to not show smoking. For every "I Love Lucy" there was a "The Andy Griffith Show." From "The Incredible Hulk" to "Superman" to "Star Trek" to "Dr. Who" to

the other option is to hold your finger on the glowing X logo on the console for 10 sec. instead of yelling, and unplugging.

What about the DREDDED "Black Screen" when playing games and then hitting the Home Button (or voicing it)?!?

You...didn't actually read the article, did you? Or notice that its a repost from Or check the author's byline to realize to wasn't a Gizmodo contributor. Or examine the author's CV? Or know any single fucking thing about the scientific method or rigor or how statistical samples work?


Oh, dear. Do you really not understand that just because your child is healthy now (and hopefully remains so) it doesn't mean that you aren't endangering his health seriously?

"I'm going to leave a vague comment and assume I'm important enough that other people know who I am and things I've said in the past."

"so he can game or watch movies in bed"

Well she's not a "doctor" but she still seems pretty cool.

The reaction to disagreements between media companies and service providers always strikes me as odd. People always take the side of the media company, but the reality is that two companies fighting over who gets to screw the consumer. But consumers always side with the company offering something they WANT versus

You make some good points, but some of this is just scare mongering bullshit that doesn't stand up to a closer, less emotional and click-bait driven analysis, and you've also left out a few important facts.

Nah, he's immortal.

I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Luke Skywalker, but I have to say, I think his work as the Joker is his definitive work. He "owns" the Joker voice as far as I'm concerned.

I have the same feeling about Kevin Conroy, that guy to me is Batman.

Mark Hamill will forever be awesome, seriously... Not because of Luke or even the Joker, he's just... Awesome.