he pilot didn't "charge" anything. No money changed hands. He didn't even give the guy a chance to pull his wallet out..."It doesn't matter" and he turned around. Nice how we can just take things out of context and crucify this guy for volunteering his time and skill. Found this post over on liveleak:
How about an inmate tire named Robbert that suddenly comes to life and goes on a killing spree?
Fast and Furious shift patteren.
You have never driven one of those "manu-matic" deals have you? You get excited and say "hey, I can shift my own gears on this! cool, just like a manual!" Then you shift once and dreams are shattered, puppies cry, and you put it back into auto, and pretend that "manu-" part of the car doesn't exist. Once you get used…
If it's too much hassle and it's better to outsource, why make it compulsory? Wouldn't it be better to allow companies to try their hand at whatever business model works for them? Your argument appears to have issues.
Fuck off.
Learn to walk away. There is no way that you will turn the opinion on this thread to your favor, WALK AWAY.
"Even if I was sitting in the fast lane, going 75 is usually pretty damn fast on an interstate."
How far can you punt a football? Asking for a friend. (He's an NFL GM.)
(He's laughing.)
(He's calling all his GM buddies.)
(They're laughing.)
(They're still laughing.)
(They're watching tapes of you punting a football and puking from laughing.)
(They're deciding which one is gonna call you and pretend to…
I would assume this means they have captured all the murders, drug dealers, muggers and so on because only a fucking worthless public servant would go after this guy before arrest people who ACTUALLY hurt someone?
This is exactly what I was about to post. NYC to RI is an afternoon drive. Kids these days...
If no one (including pedestrians) is at risk, the road is wide and long enough, and you know how to handle your car, then no, it's not reckless. I'd say recklessness is more related to irresponsibility and putting other's lives at risk than simply breaking the law.
Because I can...
Listen some people understand pictures better than words. Or learn by experiences.
I hope they never find him. I hope he posts another video doing it faster.
According to a recent North Korean National News article, Air Koryo has been voted "Best Airline in the World Ever in Existence" unanimously by everyone in the whole world.
Can you really blame him? Letting Bush take the fall hasn't failed him yet.