
Thank you Mr. Foley for mentioning this idiot was [attending] Tea Party rallies three times in a four and a half paragraph column.

As a Tea Party supporter, I can assure you that the average Tea Party backer would have nothing to do with this freak, but good work making your point.

Can anyone verify what is "PROTECTED" about the beach except for a bunch of arrogant surfers being pissed off that it's being paid for by letting corporations shoot commercials there? And also, can anyone verify that these tree huggers bitching are actually paying taxes?

The Lost Coast Outpost website reports that a commercial being filmed at Luffenholtz Beach in Humboldt County came to a halt when the Ram became nearly submerged in the waters. A local resident came upon the failed shoot and snapped a few pictures because he was concerned about its impact on the environment. (Because

I always laugh at how often people under estimate the power of the sea.

There, fixed that one for you.


Am I missing something? Where in the video does it show him driving away? The video just skips and he's gone.

I still <3 you matt.

The original was a fucking Ferrari.

surprisingly relevant

"Dwarves are natural sprinters! Very dangerous over short distances!"

"But we're Bentley..."

The Camaro needs T-tops!

President Obama issued a statement blaming the fueling error on the previous administration.

The badge. Any great car can be ruined in the eyes of the people because "the badge isn't prestigious enough" or some crap like that. It works the other way around too: a car can be a total POS but stick a BMW/Mercedes/Audi badge on it and it'll sell.

There is only one prototype class: