
He mentions that he doesn't see the vices in his own organization, and then directly lists what those vices are...mainly, the for-profit business and the money the club is making. These things are supposed to be for fun, not for money. I was the treasurer of the autocross club at Clemson and my philosophy was always

Cost. They are usually far more expensive than a comparable tire from another brand. I don't even know of anyone in NASA Southeast that runs Michelins in competition. The big brands are Hoosier, Toyo, and Dunlop. Most cars running Michelins are stock, high-end sports cars with rich owners that are just doing laps.

Aren't car clubs for fun? Aren't they supposed to foster enthusiasm for the brand and not make members feel like an enemy of their own club? (Requests for comment from Mr. Stubberfield have not been returned)


OK, so we can put it down as a lack of understanding of English. Your inadequate driver's temperment still justifies my original statement, however. Your explanation is handy, as that still should not scare a competent driver.

Nope. Your misuse of the term exhibits a lack of understanding of English, our traffic system, or both. So that's a 50/50 chance of my statement's justification right there. Add in the fact that you, by your own admission, are easily scared and startled when driving your car around others, thus upping your

1. You used the term "fast lane".
2. You were scared (more likely just startled, but the difference doesn't matter).

Please turn your car keys in and do not drive again. Maybe if people like you stop driving then we can have more reasonable traffic laws in the US.

Just leave the Mazdaspeed 6 out of it!

NYC to Rhode Island counts as up the east coast now?

There is one rule you have to always remember: See your path to a complete, safe stop at all times, and be reasonably sure that that path will not be obstructed before you stop. If you can follow this, it takes much of the actual recklessness out of the picture.

No I didn't.


Afroduck is right. The proof is in Germany and anywhere else that has an unusually high speed limit or complete lack thereof. People can be trained to drive modern cars at high rates of speed in a perfectly safe manner. You can't throw that out just because he happens to do it illegally- that doesn't change the

I got a Boxster up to $134k on Porsche's online configurator. Just laughable. I think the base price on them is fair enough though.

I'm 100% serious. I think it's great and if I had a diesel it would be able to do it.

Rolling coal is awesome and you guys are just jealous.

My first guess was Detroit, but I guess that was naive as no one there can afford cars anymore, right?

Sorry, but the premium that car is worth is nearly negated by the fact that you can get a well maintained one that needs nothing that will be cleaner and in better shape, except for maybe the paint, for much much less.