
That first picture, Rey looks bad ass. What is she scavenging for in this picture? Finn looks comfortable dressed that way.

The Kansas City Royals swept the Playoffs in 2014, including the Wild Card. Lost the World series that year, but won it the next. But still, sweeping the playoffs is awesome. Sweeping the playoffs and the Finals, amazeballs!

Dear Warner Brothers DC,

Could you tell what your 16 year old poor a** would do if you had super powers? Would you just some how come up with a ton of money and buy a suit from?? Where? Seriously, the outfit is perfect for a HS kid. I would love to see what you would do on a budget. Please show us.

Life is like a hurricane here in Duckburg
Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes, it’s a duck-blur!
Might solve a mystery
Or rewrite history!

DuckTales! Woo-oo!
Everyday they’re out there making
DuckTales! Woo-oo!
Tales of daring do bad and good
Luck Tales!

D-d-d danger lurks behind you
There’s a stranger out to find you
What to do,

Isn’t this movie for kids? And not adults? You said yourself, if you were a kid you have not hated it.....just saying, its not for your age range.

·Lemony Snicket’s The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book #1) begins, famously, “If you are interested in happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book.

The Batman. Justice League 2: Justice Boogaloo

Ultimate Spiderman she looked like a Gramilf

·Too young? This is what Spiderman should be right now. Too young? He is very much a kid right now. And every kid doesn’t want to be treated like a kid. Especially when you have powers and can’t really tell people.

As long as they are web wings, its cool. Anything bigger will be silly.

I honestly don’t understand why people would not think he would not be in this? Did you all watch the first Star Wars movie at all? Thats like saying “WHOA! Who is that? is that R2D2? Why is is he in this?”

Oh yea, he has the plans.

Why would you think they cost her the election? I voted Hillary, but I dont blame people for voting for Jill. Its not a throw away vote, or a protest vote. Its a vote to hopefully make those 2 parties stronger over time. But you also can not say those who voted for Jill would have voted for Hillary, maybe they would

Yea why would you read it like a car crash?

Damn, I need to stop spending money. But here is my $70

Damn, I need to stop spending money. But here is my $70

Give me one movie, the best you can put out, at one time. Stop re-releasing stuff. Give me your best.

The comments in here should all say , “I mean if I could take my best guess”. As if any one in here has any clue...

Im still waiting for the side by side comparison....I mean i saw what was posted. Was that it?

I shower. Which means I clean my body. Which last time I checked, my legs are part of my body. I do however question in my head, “How dirty are my legs that have been covered by me jeans all day?” But I still wash my legs because I am a clean person. But I also shower once a week. I should leave now.