
"Fine, “Pickle” is real, but we didn’t need to know this" …
but when he was fake AV Club thought WE needed to know?

Last week used Season 1's theme song, so using Season 2's song one last time seems reasonable?

and "initialism" not "initialization".

Kelly Ripa financed ABC's acquisition of American Idol in order to get Ryan Seacrest off of HER show.

"Wolverine access" sounds cooler than it is.

and that's exactly the point of this picture.

Maybe "illusion' was a poor word choice…and I agree that it's not a mind blowing thing at all. And I think we're in agreement…they are red compared to blue (which is the whole point)…but if you saw the grey by itself, you'd never call it red.

That's exactly the point.
If you evaluate each pixel individually, none would be considered red.
But by making the image especially blue, we get the illusion of red.

Grey has "more red" than cyan yes.
But as long as the pixels don't have more red than green and blue, then I think it's fair to say that there's no red.

It's not about IMDb needing to have ages…it's about nobody can stop them from putting the info if they have it.

Obviously, you need to use your own skin.

Yeah, or maybe he just altogether stops making music.

But…the last circle of hell is freezing.

It seems like a perfectly acceptable way to make the decision.

Probably not out loud.

The Hateful eight didn't get many nominations because Disney (and the Academy too, I guess) is trying to destroy Quentin Tarantino.

When Boone was still alive and talking to his co-conspirator on the phone (and he was talking ABOUT Gigi, so I think it's safe to assume he was talking to the other Devil) he asked "Have you talked to Zayday?"

No, because Hyperspace.

While I would've loved the spinoff; I'm happy to see them stay on SHIELD.