
I now have the perfect air quotes gif thanks so much. ^_^

I’ve stopped even bothering with metallic backs (which I loose constantly) and just use cut down pieces of the plastic gasket in plastic bottle caps.

I almost exclusively eat burnt ends now and gods it’s wonderful.

Crap I musta missed a bottle I didn’t get a photo op

And don’t get me started on word ‘slippage’. Decimate has a frigging specific meaning that it’s never used for anymore. I hear talking heads use ‘decimated the enemy forces’ and I think so we killed one in ten? The never mean we killed one in ten they mean we killed far more of them than they killed of us. Or ‘it

Correct HOV lanes often accommodate for alt fuel vehicles with one passenger as well.

As a Bisexual I’m with yah, never queer enough... flack on both sides of the fence... why is there a fence damn it why don’t people just accept sexuality, gender, and identity are on sliding scales and not in binary sets?

Tall skinny kids in running shoes and short shorts brawling halfway through a 10k.

I would support the death penalty, if it were effective. It doesn’t reduce crime as a deterrent, it is not the only option to keep people out of society after they are determined to be irredeemable. In an attempt to be more humane we’ve actually moved away from methods of killing that are fast, efficient, and

Cool Pope is cool cassie ^_^ he’s cool but he’s still Pope. Hehe.

Too early for feels like these...

He just doesn’t want to pay for it, obviously them Muslims are gonna come after HIS money, he’s rich and they’re all leftist pinko queers them Muslims is!

Ahhh good ol’ Deathclaws

Everyone knows you just land on the sun at night so it’s not hot...

And now we know what this couple would do for a Klondike Bar.

Let’s see founded by Christians, for Christians, in Christ... hrrrm... let me look here, I’m almost sure somewhere on one of these pieces of velum it says... oh here it is.

I think that goes beyond reasonable when it comes to reasonable accommodations. When making an exception for you requires an act of government beyond the passing of the Religious Protection law itself, you’ve gone beyond reasonable IMO.

Well given that in her county all paperwork processed is done so under her authority. Her office (as in the office of Clerk) is the issuing authority. If they remove the issuing authority from Marriage Licenses (which she has done) puts them into a legally precarious position. While the governor has promised the state

I can’t help but give you a star and I’d give many many more for the apparently unintentional pun that made me snort soda.

Which is the reason there is trouble with her not doing her oathbound duty. She was even provided the allowance to not personally issue licenses.