By what I’ve read there, Kim Davis has already been given Reasonable Accommodation. Her further changing the process goes beyond such an Accommodation by making the forms legally questionable.
By what I’ve read there, Kim Davis has already been given Reasonable Accommodation. Her further changing the process goes beyond such an Accommodation by making the forms legally questionable.
Then let me ask it this way. Does the religious freedom being used here cover that as an Asatru I feel I should blot at noon on the solstices. My work does not allow for the consumption of alcohol during business hours. Should I then be allow the one alcoholic beverage that would be consumed at the blot even if I work…
She has joined a church. I am using that church’s interpretation as laid down by their own clergy. If that doesn’t define her faith, then I suppose that joining the Catholic Church and then demanding a religious exemption as a lunch lady to not serve meat on Friday (a church based decision) and on Sunday (a personal…
But it is relevant to this conversation. She is enforcing a single part of her deeply held beliefs, and as such she is invalidating her own stand for religious protection. She is requesting that we give her allowance for her religious beliefs, fine I’m accepting that for the conversation. However she is using one…
Love to see you saying what people are thinking Cassie as always.
If we are going to get into what her faith allows or doesn’t allow and if she’s following all the tenants of her own faith while denying other people rights granted at the federal level lets look at;
Actually it’s only her husband who sinned in the case of remarriage since he remarried HER after divorcing her. It’s the Adultery she engaged in that is the equivalent ‘sin’ to the people she is refusing to serve. (Just a little pedantic note mostly because I think everyone should be lambasted for what they’ve done…
I could agree with you, I’ve had this argument several times with people, the problem is that taking someone’s rights and acknowledging someones rights are false equivalents.
This is my ‘I’m listening to you whine about your RIGHTS’ face.
Well there is that coleslaw machine....
But don’t bother with reading and writing... we can’t do that either.
I know thy pain... I’m a Chris... seriously I don’t think I’ve been to a school or job were there weren’t at least three or four of us. We all go by nicknames because it’s just what you do when your name is common as heck.
Uhmm no that’s the opposite of what they’re asking for. ^_~
This kind of thing really drives me batty. All double standards do, but this one really gets my goat. Men should be virile and have as much sex before marriage as possible (with unmarried women of their own approximate age), then find a virgin to marry.
So many stars
Well obviously it’s a bomb, can’t you see it’s a bomb... it isn’t pencils and it’s in a pencil case... the most common pencil in a highschool is a number 2... number 2... there were 2 towers on 9/11... 3 of the hijackers on 9/11 were named Ahmed... TERRORIST BOMB!
Don’t forget Delaware also gave us perpetual incorporation thanks to the Rockefellers, as well as the most lax rules for becoming an LLC. ^_^
Came to say the same thing about Superman... Black Adam makes the mark but not Superman? ^_^
Just makes me think of Jackie Mason on Penn and Teller’s BS
I’m pretty sure his intent was to impress the tech teacher and try and get a robotics club going like he was a part of in Jr. High.