
You have to see choices to make them. One of the abusers greatest tools is making you think that you don't have a choice. A lack of perception of choice is very nearly a lack of choice. Being outside the loop of abuse gives us the ability to see choices, if you've been in an abusive relationship I'd hope that you

So much of this. As an abuse survivor I look back and I can SEE the abuse. When I was there in the situation, all I could see was how horrible a person I was and how much she was doing me a favor by staying with me.

I was in much the same place. Getting away was the only healthy thing for me to do. My daughter gets to see me less than I'd like, and I get to see her far less than I'd like. However, and this is a big however, would you rather your kids grow up in a 'broken home' (which honestly can be a very good thing in a bad

It's not productive to blame the victim but it's still the victims fault for being victimized? Did I read that correctly? *boggled*

My Ex was emotionally abusive, and it took me almost two years to figure it out. She isolated me, went hot and cold, capitalized on my having a temper at all into making me think I was potentially abusive at one point. She pressured me into marriage, by pressuring me into getting her pregnant using various health

It reminds me of Puzzle Fighters

In Texas Mexico..where chili was born, we do not they do did use beans. We They thicken(ed) our their chili with masa. Add a little water to a couple of TBL's of masa flour stir it in at the end of cooking, simmer for 30 minutes or so.

I think they're saying Queerphobic, or gender dysphoric phobic, since they did state that if someone is in full presentation or gender reassigned they're cool with it. Still a stupid distinction (IMO). Gender roles have always been fluid, they appear to be upset about non-binary gender presentation.

I feel like this is 'how to hold your pencil' ... is it writing? Can I write without scrawling everything? Good enough.

I now officially love you for your snark WHILE using the interobang as an avatar ^_^

I only wonder what voice this would translate Meap with?

I now want to see them /Shipped like anime characters for all time.

Wait... does this make me the wife? I do the cooking, the cleaning, the ironing, I'm the only one in the house who does hospital corners...

I like these tins then I run rubber cement around the lid when it's packed. It fits in my pocket easily, has everything I need in it, doesn't open, and is water tight.

I personally hunt for sugar in drinks because I think they taste better... But I drink mostly Dr. Pepper so now that I can't get Dublin Dr. Pepper anymore I'm back to drinking the HFCS stuff. Really should drink less but my addiction runs deep. ^_^

Step 1: Get good tea (Loose leaf)
Step 2: Use 2 heaped teaspoons (the kind you eat with not the kind you measure with) per 6oz of water.
Step 3: Heat water (microwave, kettle, pot on the stove)
Step 4: Use an instant read thermometer
Green/White: 170-185f
Oolong/Red 180-190f

(Green screen aside, though, there's no way Bronsolino is getting his substantial stems parallel to the ground without some work in post-production. It would be impossible.)

All life is precious... except you know... people we don't like... they can die in a fire...

(These are not my views the preceding is a satirical view of the inside of a mind that can reconcile killing and a right to life.)

He also hasn't suggested that Clarence Thomas recuse himself for brazenly performing straight marriages, specifically Rush Limbaugh's beautiful and built-to-last wedding to his fourth wife.

I identify as bi at least partly because it's the first word I had for someone who did not fall into a binary appreciation of sexuality or gender or gender presentation. My wife and I agree on our definition of love and sexuality however, which boils down to, 'it isn't the package but the contents', while we have