
As a bisexual married to a bisexual with an open relationship, it's hard to describe to some people how it is that we are married and love each other. The oh you're both just together for convenience and you can't be married or in love if you have an open relationship.

A Scørpiøn once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the

Wait wait... but what about Bi or Homosexual people...

(Strangely, nobody seems to believe that gay men can't be friends or that lesbians can't. And if sexual attraction always gets in the way, who're bisexuals supposed to be friends with?)

As a bisexual I have the superpower of "No gender discrimination" in bed. That is all. It's not much of a superpower really but I think it's pretty good.

Come on, look at that winning smile.

No no you see we have to SAVE the children. Romeo and Juliet laws no longer apply because we have set a standard of zero tolerance on child sexual abuse and child pornography.


As a non-Christian bisexual the hypocrisy of the religious right drives me nuts. Especially when they use Leviticus as a plank for their speeches. My kneejerk reaction is to do just what she did, point out all the confirmed adultery that happens that they don't seem too outraged about but in Leviticus carries the

But when you pull out religion and claim that gays should be treated poorly because God says they should, and you're breaking a law with exactly the same punishment... That's hypocrisy on a level baffles. (Well it baffles me.)

Hey there's enough hate out there for everyone. The Blacks, Gays, Jews, Poor, Rich... /sarcasm before I hurt myself.

I'm all for gun owners and gun rights. I still think that training should be a part of the process of getting a gun. Didn't take the classes, didn't pass the tests? Welp sorry you're on the no gun list sir.

Ahhh another slice of my belief in the general decency of humans eroded away.

Gabi is currently in custody the Princi-Pal is certain his advanced interrogation techniques will gain fruitful insights.

I love it, it's there, it isn't focused on, Alesha is totally self possessed and know who she is despite what anyone else might think.

As former Military Police I have to say I'm F*ing flabergasted. I'm flabergasted that this ever happened, I'm flabergasted at a 5th sexual assault conviction leading to a 39 month sentence, I'm flabergasted at an officer who put a minor in a car handcuffed (I'm okay up to here)... with a suspect... who has multiple

I'm going with the haft is a hypertech gravity displacement device that allows the hammer to change apparent mass. This would also be how the hammer decides who is worthy and simply increases it's apparent mass until any 'unworthy' individual trying to lift it fails.

The skill, I'd date her for that alone, and she makes a hell of a kitty to boot.

I think... that not only does that tongue have a mouth... from the 'body' positioning... it has a mouth in the back of its 'head' and it's hands are on backwards... I...
