
You'd think, but I haven't been able to donate blood (I'm O+) since the first time I acknowledged being bi openly. That's a lot of years of no blood in a needed (but not the most needed) blood type. A majority of people are RH+ so I can donate blood to a vast majority of people. Only I'm not hetro so my blood was

This Could happen to YOU!!!!!

Because stuffing kids into small spaces is fun for the whole family. Or that's what I remember of my childhood/teen years and getting into teenagers cars?

I don't know if you went for the pun... but I give you the points anyway.

+1 Internets.

But everyone needs an Ice Louge.. how else are you going to super chill your vodka shots?


Certainly, I just meant that this reeks (pun intended) of pulling data out of your ass.

All I get out of this is Jerkin' the Gherkin ~= Marriage for men... and who cares about why women get married.

I seriously wish there were methods other than just vasectomy for men. I do see every few years a 'possible new male birth control' but the rigor and earnestness (one might say overzealous-ness) that lead to the modern female pill seems lacking. We have how many different ways to moderate or eliminate reproduction in

I agree with you, I'm pointing out where a first time author would have flaws. If she wrote another series, or started another story in the same world with new characters, I would hope she'd be more forward in having LGBT+ characters. Harry Potter was her first series and that is where you are most likely to see such

Given that Steam has published and sold games that have as much content that someone might find objectionable. I don't think 'they're being pressured to censure this' floats on this one. It's possible, but I think this is a panic reaction that was then reversed.

You can, and while it builds a more robust world to include, not including does not invalidate the world. If I wrote a modern day story that had an all white all cisgendered hetro main cast, it doesn't mean that the world lacks any LGBT+ people. If I added an LGBT+ main character simply to have one it would be

She did think about the issue. She didn't point out peer examples. Should she have? Well that's a good question, the books were about other kinds of prejudice. I think of it like in X-men there wasn't a lot of exploration into racism or sexism because speciesism was the focus.

I got here thanks to the sum up of the year but thanks so much for pointing out how much the definitions and way things are classified differ between the US and Japanese viewpoint. In the US we define a classification like this by the content rather than by the artists intent.

Humans have far more pulling strength than pushing strength. Pulling is done by contracting the bicep (A large muscle) where as swinging a sword is mostly a mater of inertia and forearm strength 'pushing' the blade around.

There are basic limits to free speech in the US. If what you say directly results in, or could be seen to directly result in danger of or actual damage or injury, then what you did is not protected speech.

Not publishing a work is not the same as censoring it.

You are fully correct. I was simply trying to figure out why you would call them first amendment apologists. It comes off that the first amendment is a bad thing, not that a private company has every right to restrict the forms of speech they are willing to publish.

I had one almost marriage and am now married. The almost marriage happened honestly for the same reason that it didn't happen. Looking back at it we were going to be married because my then fiance was emotionally abusive and I thought that getting married was the way it HAD to go. When we split before the marriage I

Nope, in general good people don't need any prizes for being good. They don't deserve derision for being good either. This story didn't deride good white people, other have, but if you just keep being a good person it really shouldn't matter.