
I'm not sure how you can be a first amendment apologist? Or are you taking a dig at people who say things like. "I don't agree with it but it's protected."? Since that is the essence of WHY there is protected speech, because people have things to say that others don't like.

I hate you... hate... mmmmm fritos with taco meat and cheese... now I'll have to have that for lunch...

MOAR Stars!

Air soft... I want a live fire version of this...

If you can't laugh at yourself, then how can you laugh at anybody else? I think people see the human side of you when you do that.

So Much potential...

The recordings and journals should only be included in tongue in cheek horror where they belong.

This is now my new table rageflip gif... and is unlikely to ever be unseated.

Thank you for making me smile after an article that was hellbound for leather to make me scowl the rest of the night.

I love Tekken FOR the silly joke characters, why wouldn't you?

I just want it set up with a water pump and four hoses to make sure to do blood spray for photos. ^_^

As an Asatru who converted after much soul searching I've read the bible, cover to cover several times. I was raised Lutheran, and got in trouble more than once for asking pesky questions. There are whole sections of the bible no one ever wanted to talk about. I have however found a few people who were willing to

I read that in the 'Something, something, Dark Side' voice. ^_^

I don't think the flu shot makes you sick. However I stopped getting flu shots after two flu shots in the army. Got my flu shot everything is cool, 2 days later I'm in the ER getting an IV for dehydration, 100+ fever, unable to keep anything down. Two years in a row left me thinking that either:

No one was injured, said police.

Don't forget that cats love the taste of some scorpion noms... if eating scorpions isn't metal I don't know what is.

So I wonder if the good Pastor Robertson eats pork, rabbit, clams, shrimp, lobster, eel? I wonder if he thinks it would be okay if we prayed for him to commit suicide for his filthy ways?

As a dedicated N/H Shipper... horray.

Dear sweet gods that is adorable.!

As an Army MP veteran THIS so THIS.