I agree. With how expensive the real ones are and how close to original these replicas are, I’d consider buying it. I’d probably put a small sticker on the windshield saying “356 speeedster replica” because I don’t want to pretend to be anything its not, that said, at 17k, there is no reason not to drive it as much as…
Devil’s advocate... The type 1 that donated the chassis could have been in absolutely piss poor shape, and this replicar gave it a nice second chance at life.
Called out? I think the 356 joins the Cobra in being so ubiquitous that they are expected to be kits, and the kits get their own respect (albeit on the coattails of the original).
At that price you get something that looks and drives like a real speedster, but that you’d be able to mod or just drive the piss out of like the originals were designed to be, without having to worry about harming your $100k+ car. I’d say NP.
More power than the early-2000s SVT Cobras, great handling, and a fairly reasonable price? I love the 5.0 Coyote, but sign me up for a test drive.
You should get an SVT Mustang Cobra. I couldn’t find one after a brief search in Mystichrome, but maybe you can. This one, for $8,000 seems perfectly suitable though. It’s an automatic, and makes 390 horsepower.
How about a non-running snowmobile and some tattoo work?
You know that person lives their life a quarter mile at a time...with stow-able third row seating.
You haven’t been around minivan and truck people.
To a large portion of the buying public the finishes and tech are more important then the underlying mechanical portion. Ask 10 people on the street what size engine they have, (hell ask them how many cylinders it has) and more then half will have no clue.
In he meantime youade memories w/a chance to drive a 535 w a stick.
$1800 ANYTHING is going to be a POS. If you’re going to be down on the freezing ground wrestling with fuel pumps- you might as well be under a worthy car rather than a Nissan Sentra.
Drive it until something bad happens then send it off to the junkyard.
i bet you are a huge blast at parties....
Eh, 10 mpg loaded, 14 mpg unloaded in mixed driving. A 2500/3500 won’t do much better and has far less capability.
Or move Cadillac way up to compete with Aston Martin and the likes.
I can’t wait until these things depreciate $120K so I can afford one!