
i am going to have to take a closer look at this. i was very happy with my explorer sport and 365hp awd but the exhaust smell when you punch it is making me think otherwise now.

schaub TD pass?

i wish i could pop that powertrain into my ford explorer sport. you know, i have kids and dogs... but i still like to have fun.

strong with the force are you.

then go tribe!

all i see is

driving. still the best real life video game ever.

big ass stadium gets big ass bird.

Hat Tip To Redskins

i really just feel like no one wants to really be president any more and this is what has evolved from that.

in belize, the island is small and so are the roads. golf carts carry most people around. they trick them out and customize them. i saw some sweet rides when i was down there many years ago. doesn’t matter what you drive, big or small, as long as you love it : )

my work webfilter just classified as:

money can’t buy everything. stadiums... or a decent head of hair. or good looks...

had no idea this was happening. i loved the trilogy. i was so-so on the 60s brat pack version. as far as this one goes, i’ll watch anything with Helena Bonham Carter in it because she is my soulmate.

not enough of these in the world to clean that funktrap.

i had never seen that walk off clip before with the brewers. thanks for sharing that.

you had me at 600hp and front wheel drive

man that is some kim jong un level of pointing there....

i’m uncomfortable listening to my personal playlist when i have black friends in my car. for fear of a sudden dr. dre N word marathon. right or wrong?

‘i have a lot to learn.’