
i can’t believe people complain about Tal’s Hill when this shit is in centerfield.

in other news... jeep cherokee hackers are now turning their attention to guided missile hacking...

no tailgating sir

good at math

$180 for both every 3 to 4 months to get them brushed out. i bought a pair of barber clippers and have cut my own hair for free for the past 12 years. it all averages out.

what is the long skinny penis? is that an emergency brake?

i miss you pontiac

this will eventually merge into one giant city.

never too early to start shorting fox.

i still don’t understand ISIS public relations. death to USA!! let’s kill each other too!! wait.. what?

is this the same OJ from the first page or does she want to call actual OJ and invite him to the throw down?

it truly does give you wings

hey who’s gonna pick up all these flowers?!?!!?

jesus dont let my father in law see that. he’ll want multiple ones. that’s a clean install.

rain sensing wipers. my current car doesn’t have them. managing your own wipers is a pain.

is it just me? too young for psycho rotation duty? looks about 18.

such a shame that our police presence at these kinds of things has to be so formal. they just wanna be fans too and take pics and not be looking for some asshole to do something stupid.

live action spam? this is what we’ve come to.

found the driver

i’ve said it many times before... if there was a cable channel with nothing but police chase videos 24/7, i’d pay good money for it.