
i'm not... leaving.. my wingman....

there is almost zero spin on that ball. that is a bullet to the temple. very impressive.

he's got some balls that official.

does this track make my butt look big? YES.

still perfecting his low post moves.

dammit people can you not put some fucking complex passwords on your shit?

no front license plate hold. not street legal.

well that settles it i am moving to newhampshire.

not a single booth babe patrick... i would call this a fail were it not for the fabulous Ford GT pics.

who designed these pants? i look like i pissed myself in the cockpit.

he's about to go all TRON 2015 on this motherfucker...

no explorer sport? it can wax half of this picture.

this story is like trying to pick up copious amounts of wet spaghetti off the floor.

texting 'that asshole is here again taking my picture.'

hey asshole i'm just trying to get a cool pic here. can you point that somewhere else?

i don't have it in front of me but i want to say it was something unimpressive like 18/21 for the AWD. i have yet to go over 15.9mpg avg on a tankful but i race a lot.

all i know is i get shitty gas mileage in my 3.5L twin turbo explorer sport but i love the shit out of the power curve.

you should really have something with a better beat that you can have sex to. because you know that's what everyone is going to be doing.

yeah not everyone needs to speak right now. eisen handled it well. as cool as the other side of the pilloe.

haha never noticed this before. that's totally the car from "the last starfighter"