
yeah or kicking it back on a hammock. i think we just default to that. maybe it means we're all ready to be arrested or something. cuff 'em!

keep melo elsewhere. i'd rather have patrick.

so have about 10 kids i know personally. why the hell aren't they on tv.

pimps drool and wookiees rule.


at least the cleanup crew doesn't have to clean up there. except maybe the ball of course.

kewl shoes.

that face. amirite?

Fab 4! good times haywood, good times.

doot doo dee doo

someday will you shoot a pontiac special and talk about the best cars they ever made?

rutledge! i still love the show and look forward to another season.

i know that face. he's ordering snacks online.

hey look i'm on the kiss cam. where's my wallet?

moar road trips! come back out on the road and bring us hot cars to gawk at : )

that last one just says "classy ladyboy" to me.

good times.

careful. i found some big ass spiders the other day in my saturn.

i don't drink anything below #5 except Pacifico. That should be higher anyway.

i could honestly care less what badge they put on it. i just like the direction they are taking this car. glad the US isn't giving up on making road jets any time soon.