Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

He has no idea how the government works, how separation of powers works, and has no interest in learning. Combine that with the fact that he was not very intelligent to begin with, is a generally immoral person, and also seems to be exhibiting signs of cognitive deterioration, and what do you expect?

Agree. The margin in the states that swung the election was so ridiculously close that a million things had to break just perfectly to get us where we are.

6) Republicans who knew that Trump was an unstable and terrible human being and voted for him anyway.

Um, maybe keep your million and shut down Fox News?

Funny thing is that by deleting tweets, he's probably violated the Presidential Records Act many, many times.

But the mosquitoes in Virginia are terrible this time of year!

Nixon at least had the decency to decline a state funeral. Trump, I'm sure, will insist on being buried in Arlington.

Maybe. The Presidential Records Act says they have to be kept somewhere, though, and I can't see Trump passing up the chance to have a monument to himself built.

Hey, leave Koko the Monkey out of this.

That the US will be permanently defaced with a Donald Trump Presidential* Library is one of the many little depressing ripple effects of this shitshow that we'll be feeling for decades.

Yep. I'd be more inclined to let them back into the "respectability" fold if they looked at how their ideology resulted in Trump and started to reconsider whether they had been wrong somewhere along the line.

There is no "alt-left," Donnie. Stop trying to create a false equivalence.

Netflix's current market cap is $80 billion, or about 20 Lucasfilms.

From Netflix's 2016 10-K filing:

It's distributed by Warner Bros. and probably not even in the discussion.

Clone Wars is distributed by Warner Bros., so it's probably unrelated to anything with Netflix and Disney.

There always used to be little gems that you could find streaming on Netflix, but now it's all TV shows and original content.

Disney can also afford to keep it afloat for awhile because doesn't need to rely on VC money or outside investors. Having a bonanza of company-owned content helps too.

He and that Google-Memo guy will be the new hosts of the Five.

So Swift, in her counterclaim, bears the burden of proving that she was the victim of a "battery"—i.e., that the other party made bodily contact with her against her will. Her testimony is the evidence; there doesn't seem to be any other physical or eyewitness evidence. She says it happened, he says it didn't, and